Breaking Bread with Vets at Patriot Villas

My first Breaking Bread with Vets hosted by Lowcountry CVMA 34-4 was a fantastic experience. RJ’s Mission is currently donating all proceeds and donations to Patriot Villas. Patriot Villas helps about 70 homeless veterans with food, clothing, and shelter. Each of these items is a necessity all humans should have, but we, as ordinary citizens take full advantage of it from the backs of others. We live our lives and never stop to think about how our freedoms are protected, yet we always talk about how sacred they are because we are the United States of America.

Every day that RJ’s Mission continues to grow and contribute more to helping others in the military and first responder communities, I become humbler and more selfless.

Attending the Breaking Bread with Vets is a way to meet those we are helping and see who gave it all for my freedoms. I no longer want to sit back and watch from the sidelines. Not only did I get to see those I am helping, but I also met a fantastic group of veterans hosting the event each month, Lowcountry CVMA 34-4.


There was no hesitation in attending the event as I have always done things by myself and never feared the unknown. When I arrived at Patriot Villas, it was cold with freezing rain; not even mother nature would stop Breaking Bread with Vets. I can only imagine what these veterans have gone through for me. The opportunity is always there for RJ’s Mission to give back and thank each one of the Veterans we meet. I walked up, and a few wives greeted me with open arms and one hug when I introduced myself. At that moment, everything inside of me felt perfect. I knew I was destined to keep my Mission accurate to the journey I was on with the motivation and passion behind RJ’s Mission.

Once CVMA and their wives greeted me, I knew my journey was headed in the right direction. RJ’s Mission donated shirts, hats, and all our donations from October 2021 until now totaled about $600 a month. Beyond the financial needs, we were able to thank the veterans and provide clothing which is only the beginning. As the wind picked up and it became colder, we stepped inside the common area where meals were being served, only to meet more great folks.

Since RJ’s Mission began supporting and serving the veterans at Patriot Villas, we have started to network further and realize the impact. We have donated clothes through Coastal Community Church for Patriot Villas. RJ’s Mission met the folks from Coastal Community Church through Soldiers’ Angels, and as our network grows, so does our passion for our mission to give back.

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